Acknowledgments and Colophon

About the SDSN

SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. In Europe, over 300 members and 13 national and regional networks of SDSN are part of SDSN Europe, a joint initiative that aims to align the European recovery with the Agenda 2030. Leveraging the research within the networks and the SDSN’s work on the Six Transformations and other publications, SDSN Europe will play an active role in shaping a sustainable and resilient Europe.

A special thanks to the SDSN’s Senior Working Group, who authored the report, including the following members. Organizations are for identification purposes only.


  • Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, President of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

  • Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, AUEB, DTU, EAERE President, SDSN Europe and SDSN Global Climate Hub Chair


  • Prof. Leonardo Becchetti, University of Roma

  • Prof. Simone Borghesi, University of Siena

  • Prof. Marzio Galeotti, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)

  • Ms Laura Cozzi, International Energy Agency (IEA)

  • Dr Carlo Papa, Enel Foundation

  • Prof. Theodoros Zachariadis, The Cyprus Institute, Manager SDSN Europe

Other authors of the Report

Lead Author

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, AUEB, DTU, EAERE President, SDSN Europe and SDSN Global Climate Hub Chair


  • Prof. George Halkos, AE4RIA

  • Mr Stathis Devves, AE4RIA

  • Dr Conrad Landis, AE4RIA

  • Mr Angelos Plataniotis, AE4RIA

  • Mr Etienne Berthet, DTU

  • Dr Mirko Armiento, Enel Foundation

  • Dr Maria Lelli, Enel Foundation

  • Dr Laura Cavalli , FEEM

  • Mr Edward Cruickshank, FEEM

  • Mr Ketan Patel, Force for Good

  • Mr Christian Hansmeyer, Force for Good

  • Mr Daniel Wetzel, IEA

  • Dr Candy Anquetil-Deck, NTNU

  • Dr Ilaria Fusacchia, Roma Tre University;

  • Dr Elisa Chioatto, University of Ferrara

  • Prof. Leonardo Becchetti, University of Rome tor Vergata

  • Mr Enrico Giovannini, University of Rome tor Vergata

  • Dr Francesco Salustri, University of Rome tor Vergata

  • Prof. Simone Borghesi, University of Siena

  • Dr Ilaria Dibattista, University of Siena

  • Prof. Matteo Mazzarano, University of Siena

  • Ms Mira Manini Tiwari, University of Siena


The cover page of the Report has been realized by Guido Bellini, Santa Chiara Lab – University of Siena.

Please cite this report as:

Koundouri, P., Anquetil-Deck, C., Becchetti, L., Berthet, E., Borghesi, S., Cavalli, L., Chioatto, E., Cruickshank, E., Devves, S., Dibattista, I., Fusacchia, I., Giovannini, E., Halkos, G., Hansmeyer, C., Landis, C., Mazzarano, M., Papa, C., Patel, K., Plataniotis, A., Salustri, F., Tiwari, M.M., (2023) Transforming Our World: Interdisciplinary Insights on the Sustainable Development Goals, SDSN European Green Deal Senior Working Group